
BROOKLYN WOMEN'S FILM FESTIVAL® (BWFF) showcases short films directed by self-identifying women.

After experiencing a severe lack of networking and job opportunities for womxn in film, BWFF was created by SSP Creative Director Katy-May Hudson, in 2016 to create a collaborative community for women in indie film to network, showcase and celebrate their achievements in film making. It values the eye of female storytellers that smash the Bechdel test, the patriarchy and that hire other womxn.

...there needed to be more work done at various entry points so that women can be given opportunities to penetrate this predominantly male industry.
— Hudson

BWFF supports diverse voices and offers opportunities to female filmmakers by way of submission waiver programs and networking events. We're focused on creating opportunities for women in film to excel and expand in a way that is accessible.

For more on BWFF:

Read Katy-May's article for Women and Hollywood, to learn more on why BWFF was created.